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Zionism is Freedom

Under chapter 1, article 1 and part 2 of the UN charter, amongst the purposes of the UN getting established is “To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES”. Later in 2007, in pursuance of the above spirit and letter of the UN charter, the UNGA passed the UNDRIP resolution which amongst others stated under its article 3 that “Indigenous peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.”

Yet, on November 10th 1975, the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 3379 which said that Zionism is racism. The resolution was sponsored by the Arab League and Islamic countries and got passed with 72 countries voting in favor of it, 35 voting against it and 32 abstaining.

One then wonders, how can an organization whose charter claims to support the self-determination of peoples, including indigenous people, contradict itself and label the most pure, pristine, and successful form of self-determination ever pursued by any group of indigenous people on earth as racism? Is this a matter of not comprehending the true meaning and purpose of Zionism, or is it rooted in antisemitism, or perhaps something else entirely?

The resolution was later repealed in 1991. However, the fact that it was allowed to be read, debated, or talked about in the UN shows how skewed the morality and sense of right and wrong are at the UN, which even made them ready to go against their own charter. This willingness to entertain such a resolution, has undoubtedly left a lasting impact. Even post-repeal, the repercussions persist. Witnessing some individuals currently attempting to disparage or undermine Zionism leads me to believe that the UN’s historical stance against Israel has had a detrimental influence with their sick fixation against Israel. Regrettably, the haters of Zionism, either lack understanding of its essence, harbor antisemitic sentiments, or simply fail to grasp the intricacies of UN political resolutions and accord them moral authority. 

The resolution goes to show how the UN does not operate based on the principles of truth, fairness, right, empathy, or justice when voting on matters, but rather on their own selfish national expediency before any other considerations. It demonstrates that the UN is amoral and lacks any authority to decide on moral issues of right and wrong in cases. The resolution was passed due to the threat of an oil embargo initiated by the Arabs and OPEC in 1973 against the world to pressure Israel following their victory in the war, the influence of the Arabs and OIC voting bloc seeking favorable positions in UN organizations, and the traditional opposition by countries in the USSR sphere against anything supported by the US. These factors worked together to make nations abandon their sense of morality or truth and ultimately pass the resolution.

Zionism is one of the most ancient, steady, pristine, pure and successful indigenous self determination movement the world has ever seen. It is that which every group of indigenous people all over the world seeking for liberation should look up to, emulate, get inspiration and hope from as they move for their liberation from occupiers, colonizers or other oppressors. There ought to be a day set apart by indigenous people all over the world to celebrate Zionism and its achievements for them to draw inspiration and support from this pure and successful indigenous peoples national self determination.

When Mark Twain wrote of the eternal nature of the Jews, he was alluding to their resilience and enduring presence throughout history. Zionism, with its roots deeply intertwined in Jewish identity and aspirations for self-determination, has played a significant role in preserving this eternal connection and ensuring the continuity of the Jewish people.

Zionism represents the longstanding quest for national self-determination by the Jewish ethnic group on their historically and nationally owned land of Eretz Israel, a pursuit championed by the Jewish people for centuries. In their traditions, culture, and everyday practices, the Jews embody the essence of Zionism. This sentiment is palpable during their shabbat observances, holidays, wedding it is ingrained in the teachings of their ethnic religion Judaism. Zionism resonates in their prayers, songs, and scriptures of the Torah and the Prophets. Zionism is an integral part of Jewish identity  and a Jew can be Jewish without Zionism as a lion can be a lion without eating meat but grass and a Muslim saying he is one without believing in Allah.

Zionism; no group of people all over the world has ever sought for, looked for, stood for and died for their own independence on their own land than the Jews and their nation of Israel. In their traditional records and Torah accounts while in Egyptian bondage, they sought for Zionism. During the days of the Judges, they looked for Zionism. When the Assyrians came with their chariots and plunder, Zionism was on their lips. Even when Nebuchadnezzar exiled them to Babylon, they cried of Zionism there, recorded it in their psalms and took the opportunity when Cyrus the Great offered it to them to come back home. They refused to ever leave their tradition, religion, culture and homeland and assimilate with the others. That their refusal to join the bandwagon has blessed mankind with the teachings and knowledge that has shaped the ethical and moral codes of humanity. Do one talk of when the Hellenes came with Antiochus Epiphanies? Or is it about Rome and Hadrian’s efforts to wipe them out even with his statue erected on the Jewish temple and renaming their country, giving it a colonial name? Do one talk of the Byzantines, Crusaders and Islamic oppression? What of Isabella of Castile and her Inquisition? So who the hell was Hitler and the Arabs or this their recent weapon of Palestinianism? Like Mark Twain said, the Jews and I will rather add Zionism saw them all and it won them all. Palestinianism is a storm in a teacup.

For every indigenous group seeking for self determination, the advice is that they better look up Zionism to learn tenacity, struggle and the never-say-die spirit that kept it going for millennia. From the Papuans to the Yazidi and Assyrians the Arabs have nearly oppressed into extinction, look up Zionism and learn. From the Kurds, Catalans and native American people looking for self determination, you might learn something from Zionism. From the Amazon Indians to many African nationalities suffering from the effects of what European colonizers did in slapping together incompatible people who now suffer and are looking for a way out to go back to the good old days when they existed size by side in understanding and harmony, Zionism might have one or two things to teach you. 

You know the beauty of Zionism? Its not just that it has tenacity and refused to assimilate or give up for millennia but that it embodies fairness, empathy, selflessness, kindness and understanding, any group of people seeking for their own national self determination on their own land has ever expressed against those who colonized their land. Other people who sought for national determination like Poles, Greeks, Algerians, Vietnamese, etc and later got it, expelled and ran off every colonizer and occupier used to milk and colonize their lands and gave them no quarter. Zionism however, allowed those who occupied, colonized and were used by foreign empires to oppress them and milk their land to stay and have their civil and religious rights protected. Unfortunately, they tried to take all and destroy Zionism so they brought in more of their people to help them in stealing the land. And of course they lost because Zionism has truth and justice standing by it and still it allowed some of them to stay. Secondly, it is selfless and shows no greed or covetousness over other people’s lands. Zionism seeks for its people’s self determination on their own Eretz Israel and not on other people’s territories; not in Egypt, Syria, Africa, Europe, Lebanon, Saudi, Bosnia or Afghanistan. Zionism is unlike the Arabs and their imperial and colonial weapon of Palestinianism whereby they came from Saudi, Egypt, Algeria, Bosnia, Circassia, Syria, Iraq, etc to steal the lands that belong to Zionism and do a Palestinianism on it.

So by virtue of truth, justice, fairness and all that is good in life, Zionism should be celebrated and supported by all men of goodwill..

In the movement to achieve self determination by indigenous people all over the world seeking for such, Zionism should be emulated and looked up to.

Zionism is the exact opposite of Palestinianism which is a colonial enterprise been deployed by the Arabs to complete their subjugation and colonization of the last free indigenous nation in the MENA.

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